Monday, July 25, 2022

Best Free Video Clips - Drone Footage

Best Free Video Clips - Drone Footage

Best Free Video Clips - Drone Footage. Best stock video clips, royalty free stock footage of aerial drone shots, cityscapes, mountains, and trails. Download for free from Stock Footage provided by wanderexplore, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by Rashevskyi, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by slicedbread, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by gmbh21digital, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by pglazkov, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by swissmediavision, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by DeepskyWorks, from Pond5

Monday, July 18, 2022

BioLite Campstove 2

BioLite Campstove 2

Turn fire into electricity with BioLite Campstove 2. Grill, boil, cook, and charge with this fully integrated system. While hiking, camping, or on the trails, the patented combustion technology creates a vortex of smokeless flames for a portable campfire that can cook your meals and charge your gear, all at the same time. Burning only wood, the CampStove 2's fan creates a smokeless fire that can cook meals and boil water in minutes while turning its heat into usable electricity.

Learn more/buy the BioLite Campstove 2 here:

Features: Stove generates 3W power to charge devices. Grilltop fits up to four burgers. Boils 1L of water in 4.5 minutes. Burns any renewable biomass (sticks, twigs, etc.) 

Energy On A Mission - Track BioLite’s impact at:

Monday, July 11, 2022

Running Your First 5k - Beginners Tips

Running Your First 5k - Beginners Tips

Tips for beginners running their first 5k. The OCR Kings provide a simple strategy for first timers - "No surprises on race day." Advice covers suggestions on run training, clothing, tech gear, and hydration and nutrition. Links below, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!! As seen in this video: Hydration Running Belt -
Ultimate Direction Hydration Vest -
GU Energy Gels -
Honey Stinger Waffles -
Garmin Instinct Watch -
Garmin Enduro Watch -
Body Glide Anti-Chafe Balm -
Sony Waterproof MP3 Player -
More first time 5k tips: What to Expect at Your First Spartan Race - What to Expect at Your First Tough Mudder - Stock Footage provided by SVTeam, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by highway_videography, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by haveataste, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by icsnaps, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by MaxWebbFilms, from Pond5 Stock Footage provided by stststst, from Pond5

Tough Mudder FREE Entry

Tough Mudder FREE Entry  OCR Kings are giving away free Tough Mudder entries! Use the link below, visit our channel, or click the video link...