Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Spartan Race Ultra Beast - Getting Ready to Ultra Beast

Spartan Race Ultra Beast - Getting Ready to Ultra Beast

Spartan Race Ultra Beast - Getting Ready to Ultra Beast. Mack and Damer of OCR Kings have decided to take on the Ultra Beast. Follow our journey as we devise the best strategy, best pace, best gear, and best nutrition for the race. Aroo!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

OCR Gear - Dolfinpack Hydration Pack

OCR Gear - Dolfinpack Hydration Pack

OCR Gear - Dolfinpack Hydration Pack. Unboxing of the Dolfinpack extreme sports hydration system. Mack of OCR Kings is getting ready to use one of these for a Spartan Ultra Beast. Check out what's inside the box.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Battlefrog Virtual Run - Medal Unboxing

Battlefrog Virtual Run - Medal Unboxing

Battlefrog Virtual Run Medal Unboxing. We run the night, virtual run III by Battlefrog Series.

Tough Mudder FREE Entry

Tough Mudder FREE Entry  OCR Kings are giving away free Tough Mudder entries! Use the link below, visit our channel, or click the video link...